Harness Efficiency and Precision in Oil Removal with KEM's Advanced Oil Skimmers 28May

Harness Efficiency and Precision in Oil Removal with KEM's Advanced Oil Skimmers

At IndustryNest, we partner with leaders in industrial solutions to ensure clean and efficient operational environments. KEM's high-quality oil skimmers represent the pinnacle of meticulous oil removal technology, designed for both remote locations and easily accessible sites.

Types of Oil Skimmers

Explore our extensive range of industrial-grade oil skimmers designed for skimming floating oils, fuels, fats, and grease from water surfaces. Our offerings include:

Floating Oil Skimmers: Ideal for skimming oils that float on the surface of water.

Fixed Oil Skimmers and Gravity Oil Skimmers: Perfect for set locations where oil accumulates regularly.

Weir Skimmers: Best for situations where oil flows over a barrier.

Drum Skimmers, Belt Skimmers, and Rope Mop Skimmers: These skimmers are tailored for different viscosities and types of oil, ensuring efficient removal.

Industrial Applications of Oil Skimmers

Steel Industry: Oil skimmers are critical in the steel industry to manage spills and leaks, enhancing tool life by removing tramp oil from coolant.

CNC Machines and Tramp Oil: Specialized skimmers for CNC machines improve operational cleanliness and extend tool life by removing tramp oil from cutting fluids.

Manufacturing Facilities: Enhance machine performance and extend equipment lifespan by removing oil from coolant and degrease tanks.

Water Treatment: Utilize KEM skimmers to manage oil levels in treatment ponds, helping maintain clean waterways.

How Oil Skimmers Work

Weir Skimmers: Weir skimmers skim the surface layer off water, collecting oil in a central hopper from where it is pumped to storage. Options include stainless steel models for industrial use and Elastec Weir Skimmers, which adjust automatically to varying water levels.

Oil Skimmer Technologies: Our skimmers incorporate advanced technologies using oleophilic materials, brushes, belts, ropes, and weirs to attract and collect oil efficiently. These can be installed as floating units or fixed/mounted systems, depending on the application.

Selecting the Right Oil Skimmer: When choosing an oil skimmer, consider the type of oil, the characteristics of the water surface, and the flow rate. Factors like ease of installation, operational simplicity, maintenance needs, cost, and return on investment are also important.

Why Choose KEM Oil Skimmers?

KEM Oil Skimmer KOS-350S 110V

Proven Excellence: KEM has been a frontrunner in developing eco-friendly and efficient oil skimmers that cater to a diverse range of industrial needs. Their skimmers are crafted using cutting-edge oleophilic materials and technology to attract oil while repelling water, ensuring maximum oil recovery with minimal water contact.

Broad Selection: KEM offers an extensive lineup of oil skimmers, including:

  • Belt Skimmers: Optimal for continuous oil removal from coolant tanks and wastewater.
  • Weir Skimmers: Ideal for variable water levels, these skimmers efficiently recover floating oil and other fluids.
  • Drum and Rope Mop Skimmers: These are excellent for heavy oil loads in rugged conditions.

Industry Adaptability: From steel mills to CNC machines, KEM’s skimmers handle floating debris, tramp oil, and fats across various industrial landscapes. Their products ensure efficient skimming across water surfaces, tanks, and sumps.

Advanced Oil Skimmer Technologies

KEM’s oil skimmers are a testament to superior engineering with features tailored to enhance operational efficacy and environmental compliance:

  • Selective Skimmers: These are specially designed for environments where very little water needs to be removed with the oil.
  • Floating Oil Skimmers and Fixed Oil Skimmers: Whether you need a portable solution for ponds or a fixed system for pits, KEM has the right technology.
  • Gravity Oil Skimmers: Utilize natural forces to separate oil without the need for pumped mechanisms, ideal for remote locations.

Detailed Features of KEM Oil Skimmers

KEM oil skimmers are notable for their:

  • Connection Types and Oil Drain Directions: Customizable features that ensure ease of integration and operation in any industrial setup.
  • Efficient Oil Water Separators: These systems separate and skim oil from water, promoting recycling and reducing waste.

Environmental and Economic Benefits

Eco-friendly Solutions: KEM's commitment to environmental sustainability is evident in every skimmer. By efficiently separating and removing oil, these systems reduce potential pollutants and aid industries in meeting stringent environmental regulations.

Cost-Effective Operations: With KEM’s technology, industries can reduce waste handling costs and improve the recyclability of water, making these skimmers a wise investment for both economic and ecological reasons.

Explore Our Range of KEM Oil Skimmers

From the robust KOS-600 Series, suitable for large-scale industrial applications, to the compact KOS-300 Series, perfect for smaller volumes, we have skimmers for every need. Our oil skimmer belts are a standout feature, designed for durability and optimal performance. Contact us at [email protected] so we can help you select the perfect KEM oil skimmer to enhance your operations and environmental footprint.

KEM Oil Skimmer KOS-T6200 KEM Oil Skimmer KOS-350 Series Belt